Baa Atoll UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

Fish of the Maldives

A Guide to Common Reef Fish in


Titan (or Giant) Triggerfish

Balistoides viridescens

Largest of all the triggerfish, up to 75mg.  Probably the most "dangerous" fish of the reef slopes; may charge at divers.  Its territory is in the shape of a vertical cone, so if it attacks you, swim away from it horizontally, not up to the surface. This guy was almost always being attended to by blue-streak cleaner wrasses.

Clown Triggerfish

Balistoides conspicillum

Up to 35cm.

Indian Triggerfish

Melichthysis indicus

Similar in appearance to the Black Triggerfish, but the Indian Triggerfish's tail edge is straight with a white edge, whereas the Black Triggerfish's tail fin lacks a white edge and becomes lunate as it grows. Up to 24cm.


Striped Triggerfish (male)

Balistapus undulatus

Identified by orange to yellow colored tail and diagonal stripes. Up to 30 cm.


Boomerang Triggerfish

Sufflamen bursa

Identified by boomerang-shaped stripe on the head which passes through edge of the eye.  This stripe can change colors from yellow to dark.  Up to 30cm long; the one pictured here was only about 10cm.


Red-toothed, or Blue, Triggerfish

Odonus niger

Color can appear from dark blue to navy to turquosie blue.  Seen in large schools, often with sergeant majors (as pictured below on the right), bannerfish and the occasional group of unicornfish thrown in.  Up to 40cm.
